Landscaping on a Budget Part 2: Planning that Space

As Thomas Jefferson planned his various gardens, he created his design on paper first. This concept allowed him to plan where he would plant what tree, bulb, and seed, in order to create a harmonious and relaxing effect. Gardening to Jefferson was a way to release his stress, thereby allowing him to endure the responsibilities placed upon him throughout his life. Jefferson also noted each decision in a journal to be compared year after year. In modern days, we can create the same type of journal, but with photographs to allow us to see the progress of our gardens, along with notes telling us how many we planted, what worked, what didn't work, and how much was reaped as a result of our labors.

When planning your landscape design think as Jefferson did, harmonious and relaxing affect. Is there an area where you want to eventually relax with a cold glass of Ice tea and a good book? Are you into entertaining at night? Will you need ambiance lighting, or festive lighting? Will your lighting need electrical outlets for electrical cords for said lighting? Should the line be placed in PVC pipes sealed at both ends to ensure no electrical fire sets your home aflame? Are you going to use natural stone, bricks, rocks to create your paths or patio structure? What is the cost for doing all that? Or can you modify your design to make it more natural, maybe using solar lighting instead? Will you incorporate a fish pond, waterfall, or maybe stone garden to help create that relaxing mood? Each item you plan to have in your landscape requires work, lifting, and serious strategic planning that must be done in phases. Do you have the back muscles to do it yourself, or will you need to hire someone? Hiring someone costs money, so consider scaling it down until you can afford to hire that pro to do what you could have done yourself.   Remember to think about the maintenance of the area. Using black landscaping mesh will need to be installed before you place that mulch or stone in your garden to prevent weeds from growing. Can you easily edge the area by hand or by using a weed-whacker? I'm not trying to discourage you from creating your special space, instead I want you to think about every possible scenario before you waste one penny on a landscaping project.

Color is important to your area, so you must consider what plants will you use in your area.  Picking the right plants is essential to making your area perfect. Perfect might be the wrong word to use, but in your mind they would be perfect, so it's appropriate. You must consider growing height, color, texture, growing season, etc.  For example, many years ago I had a flat patio with a seasonal four-poled awning that covered it. Inside the area, there was the standard table and chairs, but I also included four large planter pots with palm trees to help create an oasis atmosphere. At the base of the palm tree were colorful flowers, and short stem variegated ivy vines. The atmosphere was both harmonious and relaxing.  Unfortunately, one storm came upon the area with high winds, torrential rains and the squall that accompanied the storm destroyed the area.  Therefore, think in terms of possible storms when you create your area to be sure it will withstand such a storm. Now you can't grow your own palm tree inside the house, but you can start seedlings for colorful flowers inside to help save you money.

Another hint to saving money while planning your landscape design, is to think flea markets and thrift stores. You can find amazing trinkets, and treasures to help enhance your focal points throughout the gardens. Each item you find should be a conversation style piece, throwing in a piece of history, or your own personal taste. If you are handy with making things, what about creating a pagoda, or archway that holds Roses, Wisteria or climbing vine with color to enhance a sitting area. Consider checking out the various books at the library for ideas and instructions.

Most nurseries have what is called "Collections" of plants. Each collection groups various types of colorful plants of all various types of sizes and colors at a discounted price. Talk to your horticulturalist at your local nursery to see if they have such a collection for your design. Don't be embarrassed showing them your stick figure style design, you're not a landscape designer, you're a homeowner looking to create something new and different. Remember create small projects you can do over a beautiful weekend, and before you know it, you'll create your own mini-Monticello. Gardening is all about trials and tribulations, learn from your mistakes and relish in those areas that turned out the way you wanted them too. 
