No matter who I talk to these days, they always tell me
they're in a hurry, and can't make anything homemade. Instead of homemade, they
revert to either fast food, or box something. They claim their schedule just
won't allow them the time to shop, then come home and fix anything from scratch.
Well, I say let's take a quick test to see if you really want to continue using
that box of that slap together food.

Years ago while watching a talk show there was a guest who challenged
people to read the side of a box, learn the definition of the words, then tell
him if you found them or not. Well, brazen me took that challenge. I pulled
everything premade box out of my pantry and cabinets, made a list and checked
it twice, three time, four times, and found nothing. Then I contacted a friend
at Goddard Space Center in Maryland, who just so happened to be scientist, and asked
for his help in determining the origin of the words I could not find. Guess
what happened? He called me a week later to ask where I got the words from
because he couldn't find the definition either. My response was listing all the
boxed foods in my pantry. After that phone call I threw out 4 garbage bags
filled with boxed foods. My pantry was stocked well for that rainy day. I
decided that day that if a NASA Scientist couldn't tell me the chemical
compounds of those words, they weren't going into my body. From that moment on,
everything I eat is homemade, no boxed foods, no preservatives. Yup, that's
what is in those boxes, chemicals and preservatives, and who knows what else is
in there.
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