Cooking Tip: Read that Recipe First

Cooking Tip: Read that Recipe First

When you're in a hurry to make dinner, believing you have all the ingredients to create an awesome meal, and you know what your doing, you'll forget something. We have all been there, so don't feel as though you're the only one who forgot to buy an ingredient, under-cooked, or over-cooked something and wasted your time. All these little mistakes are actually lessons learned for the future.

One of the best ways to be assured your time and money isn't wasted - Read that Recipe First! Once you've read the instructions, then begin pulling all ingredients out and place on counter before you start prepping, or cooking.

If the recipe says 15 minutes prep time, that could be a false time-frame because you might need to allow yeast to form up, which can take up to 15 minutes. Or how about making an Angel Food Cake where the eggs need to be separated, and the egg whites should be at room temperature (30 minute wait time). Therefore, read that recipe first before you begin cooking. You'll thank me later when it's crunch time, and a really important guest is coming for dinner.
