Household Hint: Organizing those Household Paper
Do you have a stack of manuals, warranties, receipts from repair work laying around, driving you nuts? Have you ever tried to locate one of these items in a hurry, only to get frustrated because you couldn't remember what you did with it? Has the microwave or another appliance gone on the fritz and instead of looking for the warranty paperwork, you spent the money for a new appliance? Well here is a hint that will not only save you time and money, but also your sanity.

Take a 3" inch binder, grab yourself a package of dividers, and your label maker and put together a Household binder of all important papers, warranties, and those pesky manuals. Layout everything you have from electrical receipts, HVAC papers, homeowners insurance policy, to the Vet papers for your animals, to the warranties and manuals, then start labeling those dividers. Grab your three hole punch and compile your book. Under the misc tab, be sure to put a copy of your insurance card, any other important papers you might need to access in a hurry, or rarely ever use, such as a copy of your passport, driver's license. I put those items in a sealed envelope.

Once you have everything in place, you'll be thanking me for making this suggestion. I call this book the household bible because everything is put in place where it can be found, especially those warranty papers. Talk about saving money in a pinch, use those warranties whenever possible. A friend of mine took my suggestion a year ago and during an emergency, a fire in the house) grabbed the book before leaving the house. Because she had all the important information in the book, she was able to speed up her claim with the insurance company.
So use your imagination and creativity, make this book the hub to your home and organize those papers, manuals, and important papers into one binder for easy access.
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