Caramel Sauce


Caramel requires patience, and a good sugar-thermometer. If you like to make candy, you can make salted caramel in no time. As I said you have to have patience to make this but once you do, you’ll never buy it again in a store. The trick is to never walk away from the stove while you’re making this receipt.  All your attention must be always on the sauce until its done.

When it comes to the salt flavor, start out with the half teaspoon then add based on your taste testing. I always start out with less then add as I go. You can always add salt but it’s difficult to take it away, so keep that in mind.  


¼ cup water

5 tablespoons best-quality unsalted butter

¼ cup soft light brown sugar

¼ cup superfine sugar

3 tablespoons golden syrup or light corn syrup

½ cup heavy cream

1 teaspoon soft sea salt crystals

¼ tsp vanilla extract


Lay out your ingredients premeasured on the counter next to the stove, this way you can always keep an eye on the pot while still being able to grab the next set of ingredients when necessary.

Melt butter, sugars, syrup in water in a small heavy based pan and let simmer on low to medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring every now and then until mixture is combined. Make sure you always pay attention to the pot.

Add cream and half a teaspoon of sea salt crystals (Do not use table salt) and stir again, give a stir with a wooden spoon and taste be cautious, don’t burn your tongue. This is critical to ensure that you either need or don’t need more salt before letting it cook for another minute on the stove, then pour into a jug for serving.

Keep in mind you can store this syrup in the fridge for one week in an air tight container or in the freezer for up to 3 months in an air tight container. Be sure to remove from fridge at least 2 hours prior to serving to ensure room temperature has been obtained. If removing from freezer do it one day ahead and thaw in fridge, then remove from fridge 3 hours prior to serving to ensure it is thawed properly and is at room temperature. Enjoy.

Elizabeth Kilbride is a Writer and Editor with forty years of experience in writing with 12 of those years in the online content sphere. Graduating with an Associate of Arts from Pheonix University in Business Management, then a degree in Mass Communication and Cyber Analysis from Phoenix University, then on to Walden University for her master’s in criminology with emphasis on Cybercrime and Identity Theft and is currently studying for her Ph.D. degree in Criminology, her work portfolio includes coverage of politics, current affairs, elections, history, and true crime. In her spare time, Elizabeth is also a gourmet cook, life coach, and avid artist, proficient in watercolor, acrylic, pen and ink, Gouache, and pastels. As a political operative having worked on over 300 campaigns during her career, Elizabeth has turned many life events into books and movie scripts while using history to weave interesting storylines. She also runs 6 blogs that range from art to life coaching, to food, to writing, and opinion or history pieces each week. 

